Register now! Don’t miss the opportunity to meet other innovators and learn about how Open Innovation changes Corporations, SMEs and Public Sector Organizations!

If you are a Public Sector Organization or are interested in Open Innovation in the public sector, we recommend that you mark your attendance at the GovTech section too, which will have a parallel session from 10.30 until 12.00. Check the schedule here.

Register Now!


BIND Demo Day will take place at the Euskalduna Palace, located in the heart of Bilbao. The venue is easily accessible by public transport, and it has private parking as well.

The presentation of the Startup-Venture Client Projects will take place in Room 0E, while you’ll find the Expo Zone outside the Room, in Exhibition Hall II.

We look forward to seeing you there!

  • Euskalduna Conference Centre
    4, Abandoibarra Av., 48011, Bilbao, Spain