TedCas is a world leader in Human to Machine communication in both healthcare and industry 4.0 sectors. TedCas is based in Navarra, Spain.
- Project: Tedcas & Aernnova: Development of a quality control solution adapted to Aernnova´s needs, including all technologies and functionalities in order to cover manufacturing needs and internal logistics.
- Project: Tedcas & Alcor: Application of speech and movements recognition technologies in the development of a Medical Device.
- Project: Tedcas & ITP: Remote viewing and recording of operations in visual inspections by penetrating liquids and RX. Level 3 LP / RX inter-center assistance for augmented reality.
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7 Pitfalls for Startups to Avoid
7 Pitfalls for Startups to Avoid In the competitive landscape of tech startups and innovative technology, time is crucial and avoiding common mistakes can save vital time and money. Learning from others' mistakes means you don’t have to make the same ones they did. BIND collected the advice of well-respected [...]
Industry 4.0 Events and Conferences for Startups 2022-2023
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