We develop customized coatings and coating equipment to protect or functionalize complex surfaces, such as particles or powders.
- Project: Differengin & Viuda de Sainz. Surface treatments to avoid light transmission losses in optical measuring equipment in aggressive environments, with an abundance of vapors and vapors.
Articles related with Differengin
Digital Transformation: Empowering Traditional Industries with Cutting-Edge Technologies
Empowering Digital Transformation Across Industries The digital transformation is no longer just a trend, it’s a revolution reshaping industries that have long been the backbone of the global economy. Sectors like Manufacturing, Energy, Logistics, Food, and Healthcare, often seen as slow to change, are embracing digital transformation through the adoption [...]
BIND Accelerates Advancements in Additive Manufacturing
BIND Accelerates Advancements in Additive Manufacturing BIND, Enabling Industries to be more Sustainable & Efficient Startups who participate in the BIND Acceleration Program are selected by corporate partners to develop a real use case project and each year we see exciting developments in a wide variety of technologies including Additive [...]